Friday, January 8, 2010

Simple Machines

Check out the following activities that go with this week's Discovery Center visit and post which two links you visited along with something you learned.

Invention Playhouse: Tinker Ball - In this interactive, you will use an assortment of objects and simple machines to create a path for a ball to move around the screen and reach its goal. You'll learn about pushing materials to their limits and problem solving

Simple Machines: A WebQuest - In this WebQuest, you will explore the different kinds of simple machines, locate examples of each simple machine in the real world, demonstrate basic relationships between force and motion, use vocabulary words related to this topic to answer and ask questions, identify inventors that have used simple machines to contribute to our society, calculate work and power, and use simple machines to solve a problem.

Edheads Simple Machines – Look around the house and barn to find simple machines. Identify what these items are used for and how they work to achieve the high score!

COSI Simple Machines - Learn about simple machines and the forces that make them work by exploring this online activity.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Garrett


  1. I learned that there can be two efforts in a lever. I visited Tinker Ball the COSI Simple Machines. Josh

  2. I visited Invention Playhouse: Tinker Ball and COSI Simple Machines I learned that block and tackle is a method used for pulleys

    dANIEL c b

  3. I visited simple machines a web quest and edheads simple machines and I learned that there are three classes of levers.

  4. I did the tinker ball, the edheads simple machines, and the COSI simple machines. I learned that all machines are made up of one or more simple machines.

  5. i viseted edhead simple machines and cosi simple machines i learned that a stapler has two differnt simple machines

  6. Iveseted the tinkerball and edheads simpel machines. I learned that not all simpel machiens work the way you want them to.

  7. I went to tinker ball and eheads, I learned that the front of a ship is a wedge.

  8. I learned that a shark's tooth is a wedge.
    I liked the ball game.

  9. my favorite game was the one with the Ball.


  10. I thought that the game with the ball that you had to put the ball into the basket was tricky and the game with the simple machines was fun.
